M-NUP.ZIP 4,991 03-06-94 NewUser Password option (NUP) for PCBoard.And this PPE detects your friends and givesthem a defined security level. - source fileincluded -
M-SHOP12.ZIP 64,577 07-31-94 Multimedia Shopping Mall v1.20 M-SHOP forPCBoard is the best shopping mall ever forPCBoard v15.1. Features up to 20 differentstores, 20 depts in each store, and unlimitedtotal items on line. SL restrictions, up to
M-SYSPAS.ZIP 4,367 03-14-94 System Password option for PCBoard [PPE] -source file included -
M2_10SEC.ZIP 2,014 06-05-94 M_10SEC v1.2 [PPE] - PCBText Prompt #493Replace the ugly default prompt 'Hangup in 10seconds' with a nice animated light bar !
MABR00A.ZIP 4,735 06-03-94 Moon Angel Simple Broadcaster 0.0 Free,Uncrippled, Its new and as you can see, inits infancy. Try it, maybe you'll like it.Its your regular broadcasting PPE, not veryconfigurable, supports up to 20 nodes.
MADTHC80.ZIP 9,607 03-18-94 THCDOS 8.0: PCB 15.1 PPE. DOS Login MatrixLike GNSDOS, but much better and bugfixed!
MADULBY.ZIP 2,742 03-30-94 ULBYDAT v1.0: PCB PPE to display the Handlesused for the "Uploaded by:"-String (stored inthe ULBY-DataBase).
MAFPCB05.ZIP 7,600 03-28-94 Lister 1.01 - by BlackCat Lightbar menudriven generic BBS lister. Allows you todefine the bbs fields you want to use.
MAFPCB07.ZIP 2,614 03-28-94 PCB 15.1+ N/Z replacement with the ability toscan back a number of given days (with -days).
MAFPCB08.ZIP 9,241 03-28-94 PCB 15.1+ Top PPE 1.02 Nice colorconfigurable top uploaders/downloaders ppe's.
MAFPCB12.ZIP 6,607 05-02-94 PCB 15.1+ TimeBank PPE v1.00 Lightbar menudriven time bank, uses tpa's. Securitydefinable maximum deposit time and maximumdaily withdraw time. BLACKCAT
MAFPCB13.ZIP 66,242 05-02-94 PCB 15.1+ Lightbar Kit PPE v1.02 Features:multiple windows, help options, pulldownmenus and much more. The best yet. FIXED:PGUP/PGDN bug, and other minor fixes. BLACKCAT
MAFPCB14.ZIP 14,520 05-02-94 PCB 15.1+ LastCallers PPE v1.03 Configurable,multiple color setups. ADDED: full columnconfigurability through replacement codes.BLACKCAT
MAFPCB15.ZIP 8,457 05-02-94 PCB 15.1+ NewScan PPE v1.03 N and Zreplacement with the ability to scan back anumber of days (with -days). Major changes:Now prompts for days to scan back,directories and extended (download, capture,
MAILLST3.ZIP 3,692 03-13-94 The Mailing List Creator [PPE] Version 3.0Builds a complete comma delimited file of allyour users mailing info from your USERS file.Fast, simple and completely free! New fields
MAILUUCP.ZIP 16,813 01-20-95 MAILUUCP v1.0 Allows your users to (E)nter amessage to the INTERNET via FIDO's UUCPGateway with just ONE keystroke. Easy toinstall, Easy to use, Easy on the $$ :-)FREEWARE/PPE. Even "looks" like you wrote ityourself!
MAKEBN15.ZIP 41,450 06-09-94 MAKEBLTN.PPE v1.5 - PCBoard TOP CallerBulletins Generator - very Sysop configu-rable to generate one or four Bulletinscomplete with defined color codes. Top xCallers, Top x Downloaders, Top x Upload-
MAKMWAIT.ZIP 3,774 01-23-95 Make-m-wait PPE version 0.1 Put in your eventbatch file such that your board will be tiedup while it's running.
MALL14.ZIP 18,285 04-19-94 Mall.PPE - version 1.4 - Written usingversion 2.00 of the PCBOARD PPL language.Allows up to 66 "Stores", payment C.O.D.,CASH or Credit Card. Provides for On-lineHelp, and special instruction screens. Now
MATCHAT.ZIP 25,906 03-21-94 -= Super Split Screen Chat PPE v1.0 =-~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Anadd on for any Chat program this is Great forsysops that wanna have a chat option off ofthere Matrix but it Doesn't ask For a Handle
MAVO15ZA.ZIP 9,044 01-08-95 MAVOTE Version 1.5Zb - Free, Compact, FastSuper Voting PPE! Maximum 20 Questions 10Answers Each - Perfect for 2-10 node BBSesContains its own MAUSER Login door for notifyusers to vote! Ultra-fast, a complete MAJOR
MAVOTE11.ZIP 7,423 07-11-94 Moon Angel Voting Door v1.1 Its FreeWare, ItsNot That Great, But It Work Currentlysupports up to 20 questions, uses CallerNotes PSA. Extremely compact. Now has aoptional logon feature to notify users about
MC0295.ZIP 7,727 02-05-95 MAIL CENTRAL PPE. MC.PPE is a menu thatcontrols most all PCBoard commands for usingor related to the BBS mail system
MC_AT100.ZIP 5,121 01-14-95 AllTime Top Uploaders & Downloaders v1.0bAuthor : Mc Freddy Z / Rel : Dec.28.1994Simple & Small PPE. Easy Install. It WillALWAYS Be Up To Date. Read Docs For Info
MDCSCAN.ZIP 6,191 01-06-95 MDCScan v1.2 The BEST New File Scanner forPCBoard 152! Completely Configurable, NiceAnsi , FAST, Easy Installtion, FREE, No NagsScreens, Wait Screens, Just A Great PPE! Thiswill Prompt Your Users During Logon To Look
MDY!NTR1.ZIP 4,729 12-10-94 Enhanced ENTER Prompt for PCB 15.x
MDY!VPB.ZIP 9,966 12-10-94 Prompt Selector 1.0 For PCB 15.2
MEDIALNK.ZIP 2,471 04-16-94 MEDIA-LINK NETWORK Complete instructions onhow to become a member of The MEDIA-LINKnetwork. And info on what conferences thatMEDIA-LINK has to offer. Sign-Up now, and getyour users involved in the MEDIA! The LINK
MEGALIST.ZIP 6,922 06-05-94 * Finally! MegaLister 2.04 * * Tired of yourold lame * * PCB file lister? take * * disgreat util! a real * * FileLister that looks* * and acts and has all the * * options invision/x file * * listers! *
MERGS1B3.ZIP 170,367 12-05-94 MERGESYS v1.003 - BBS file list manager!Eliminate ALL the duplicate file entries onyour PCBoard or other BBS, even between filelists, automatically; keep\replace entries,merge lists, more! MANDATORY with multiple
MESSAGE.ZIP 5,668 06-07-94 This is a PPE designed for the Demo version.It contains a very simple New User messagePPE, in under 10 lines of code, with acomplete explanation of all functions used.It will give an example of some of the
METRO294.ZIP 42,908 02-18-94 MetroLink International Network InformationPacket for February 94. Join the oldest openfree PCBoard Network.
MFLAG201.ZIP 75,157 12-01-94 @X1EMultiflagsystem 2.01 for PCBoard 15.x@X0F@X1E@X0F @X1ETag files bycursormovement(LIGHTBAR)@X0F * Autodetectionfor ansi or monochrome * Support for PCBoard@X variables * External config and helpfiles
MID5PPE.ZIP 28,985 11-03-94 This File Contain 5 PPE Files For Pcboard15.1+ By PPLC version 2 (1) a replacement toyour MainMenu . (2) a Replacement to yourFiles Directory . (3) a Replacement to your(W) (V) Commands . (5) a replacement to your
MIND_101.ZIP 11,191 01-24-94 * masterMIND v 1.01 PPE - The original gameof MIND brought to you in 'seamless'integration to your PCBoard v 15.1 BBS usingPPLC v 2.0. 8 guesses to determine thecorrect 4 digit code with a color pattern
MKPCBD11.ZIP 11,321 11-14-94 MKPCBDIR.EXE V1.1 will convert a regular DOSdirectory listing stored in a file by using"dir/o > dirname.raw" to a PCBoard directorylist. This was designed to create directorylists for CD-ROMs which are not BBS ready.
MN0294.ZIP 19,807 02-02-94 Information for joining MegNET one of thefastest growing nets in the Tri-State area.MegNET is a well balanced net with subjectsthat appeal to a wide range of callers.Thisfile contains a List of MegNET Conferences
MODE1V10.ZIP 3,889 10-03-94 Mode1.ppe v1.0 - PPL 2.0 Writen for Pcboardv15.1 Do you use Rip Graphics? Now when userslog on to your BBS they can now see a displaytelling them what color options areavailable. The Prompt: Do you want graphics
MONI12.ZIP 28,596 10-04-94 UltraMoni - v1.2 - PCBMONI .PPE replacementfor the busy PCBoard Sysop. User definableupdate and scroll interval. View online userrecord. Update node info. Full and compactdisplay mode. Fully functional. Shareware
MOONCH11.ZIP 4,561 07-11-94 Moon Chat v1.1 PPE 10 node systems, this is anew multinode chat program in its earlystages of development
MPGS103.ZIP 15,272 01-23-95 MPGS.PPE v1.30 for PCBoard v15.21+ DooM -DooM - DooM - Doom - DooM - DooM PCBOARD PPEINTERFACE for the APCi Multi Player Doom GameServer via a multinode BBS using customPassThrough cables A very nice, quick, and
MPS-CP25.ZIP 9,169 03-07-94 MPS Present the first FULLY configurable slamprompt replacement for PCBoard v15.1 o UserDefined Prompt o 100% Config'ble o Fast KeyResponse o Speed Adj'ble o 5 CoolPromptTypes! o Delay Option o Random Colors/Prompts
MPS-LC21.ZIP 9,657 03-07-94 LASTCALL PPE v2.1 for PCBoard 15.x o AliasSupport o Color Config'ble o 15 Call Displayo "REAL" Time o 99 Node Support o ...and muchmore! New in this version: SmartFields(tm)v1.1 Internal Changes!
MPS-UL10.ZIP 8,269 03-18-94 UserList v1.0 PPE from MPS! (03-09-94) TheMOST ADVANCED UserList Available!!! o Alias /Address PSA Support o SmartFields(tm)Formatted output o FAST! BOYER-MOORESearching o Fully Configurable!
MSCAN03B.ZIP 10,208 02-05-95 ZIPPY Scan Across Multiple ConferencesVersion 0.03 Beta If You Run CDROMS You NeedThis PPE! For PCBoard v15.21+ AnUltiWares(c)1995 Release
MSG-SYNC.ZIP 10,348 07-07-94 Msg-Sync v1.00 - Overcomes the problems ofsharing a message base amongst more thanconference. Run in $$LOGON.BAT to set allshared conference Last Message Read pointersto the highest value and leave only a single
MSG2N300.ZIP 60,703 05-14-94 With MSG2Next 3.0 users can check outprevious callers (up to 100 users),view theoneliners & add their own , leave a liner fornext user , view their status and check ifsysop is available. [Freeware] Coded by Pizza
MSGMENU.ZIP 6,769 10-28-94 Message menu is basically the same menusystem we use here on Salt Air for our(C)omment to Sysop command. It will let youpop up a menu for your callers with cursorkey control to select the topic they want to
MSGREWRD.ZIP 4,017 04-19-94 [PPE] This is an example of how to do athe number of messages a caller has left onthe system. Sysop configurable for "alreadyregistered" level, "how many messages" and"raise to what level". Source code included.
MSHBLT02.ZIP 4,928 08-13-94 - Bulletin v.02 by Balrog Great lightbarsreplacement for your bulletin menu! FullySysOp configurable, supports 255 differentbulletins, great looking and easy to :install and configure. : -
MSHCMT10.ZIP 3,821 08-13-94 - Comment PPE v1.0 by Zaskar MuSH strikesback with this kewl PPE! It's a comment tosysop PPE. Lightbar Support FullyConfigurable You'll love it! -
MSHOP121.ZIP 64,819 09-18-94 Multimedia Shopping Mall v1.21 M-SHOP forPCBoard is the best shopping mall ever forPCBoard v15.x. Features up to 20 differentstores, 20 depts in each store, and unlimitedtotal items on line. SL restrictions, up to
MSHYESNO.ZIP 3,317 06-25-94 Yes/No Prompt Replacement by Zaskar GreatLightbar Yes/No prompt that enhances greatlythe look of the built-in Yes/No prompt ofPCBoard And it's fully configurable.
MT-300.ZIP 41,072 08-16-94 - Mail Time (tm) v3.00 Sysops utility thatcreates/updates bulletins and news on whenthe last echo mail run to the BBS occurred.Supports all mail networks, and universal toall BBS software, although it will also
MTH-TOP1.ZIP 4,763 02-26-94 MiRTH-TOP15 U/L D/L LISTER [PPE] V1.0.. FORPCB 15.1 BY EDDIE [=BROON'S BANE=] -Recommended 386 CPU or Higher.. - GreatPC-Style / PCE Look... - Configurable Header/ Make your Own...
MTHLANG1.ZIP 3,785 02-26-94 LANGUAGE SELECT REPLACEMENT [PPE] V1.0 FORPCB 15.1 BY EDDIE [=BROON'S BANE=] - VeryFast & Virtually "Bug-Free" Code... - GreatPC-Style / PCE Look... - Configurable Menu /Make your Own...
MTHLAST3.ZIP 4,226 05-08-94 LAST CALLERS V3.00 FOR PCB 15 BY [EDDIE/BB]This is the ultimate Last Callers for PCBoard-Great PC-Style Look [No Ugly ForumHack Junk]-Very Fast Coding with HeX-Edit Protection.:)
MTHLIST1.ZIP 4,066 04-24-94 FILE SEARCH [PPE] V1.0 BY EDDIE/BROONS BANEThis is a replacement for the built-in "L" or"LIST" command in PCB which lets you searchfor a file using wildcards.. However, this
MTHTOP11.ZIP 9,972 03-14-94 MiRTH-TOP15 U/L D/L LISTER [PPE] V1.1. FORPCB 15.1 BY EDDIE [=BROON'S BANE=] -Recommended 386 CPU or Higher.. - GreatPC-Style / PCE Look... - Configurable Header/ Make your Own... - Includes Versions for
MTH_WUI1.ZIP 4,281 03-19-94 WRITE USER INFO REPLACEMENT [PPE] VER 1.0 BYEDDIE [=BROON'S BANE=] - Very Fast &"Bug-Free" Code... - Great PC-Style / PCELook...
MTNTACRO.ZIP 50,486 07-26-94 The Hackers Acronym Translator v1.0 A nicefast ppe made for PCB15.1+ with more than2600 acronyms!! Sysops can add acronyms!
MURDR253.ZIP 236,126 02-23-94 Murder Mansion (Door Game) ver. 2.53 Searchthroughout a mansion to discover to solve amurder. WARNING: If you take to long, youmaybe the next victim! Now has userconfigurable names. Time remaining online is
MUSHCS10.ZIP 5,771 06-18-94 CONFERENCE SCROLLER v1.0 This PCBoard's PPElet's you join a conference in a custom menu.Instead of choosing with a number, you choosewith arrows! You can put your own ANSIbackground file. J;# compatible. Many other
MUSHFB11.ZIP 5,825 07-30-94 - Dsfeedback v.1.1 by Daemon Summoner This isa simple PPE that will make your users chooseto which sysop they will leave their commentwhen they use the 'C' command. You can use
NA-POST.ZIP 3,616 06-18-94 To/Subject/Security Three Little PPE tocustumize your "Enter a Message"Command. Tryit. It's a new idea, not a FUC*I* copy fromanother programmer! 100% Sysop Configurableand FREEWARE!
NDADDR12.ZIP 18,163 12-23-94 NICE DAY ADDRESS UPDATE V1.20 [PPE] This PPEis for every sysop that wants to have hisusers enter all the address infor- mation. Acursor-driven menu will show up when a userlogs in that has not entered everything in
NDCOM110.ZIP 7,955 11-08-94 NICE DAY SYSOP COMMENT v1.10 [PPE]Cursor-driven Comment-to-Sysop replacement.100% language configurable. 100% colourconfigurable.
NDFILE30.ZIP 47,665 01-16-95 NICE DAY FILES V3.00 [PPE] NDFiles is acursor-driven replacement for the PCB [F]command. It shows a list with all availabledirectories. If you are upgrading please readUPGRADE!.TXT. Fantastic features included: o
NDMONEYB.ZIP 36,265 10-09-94 NICE DAY MONEY MANAGER V0.9 [PPE] A seamlesscredit card processing PPE using the PCB 15.2accounting options. High quality release!
NDOFFL10.ZIP 7,774 07-04-94 NICE DAY OFFLINE FILES v1.0 [PPE] For allsysops with offline files (e.g. CD-ROMs). Ifa user chooses a file which is offline, hewill see a cursor-driven menu and he has thepossibility to leave a message with all the
NDREAD62.ZIP 30,761 12-11-94 NICE DAY EASY READER V6.2 [PPE] A must-havefor every PCB sysop! This PPE is a fullycursor-driven replacement for the 'R'command. NEW: WITH PCB-LAYOUT NEW: NO 'Reg'to:' TEXT Send me your language files.
NE-FRO10.ZIP 2,651 08-06-94 Front-Stat-PPE 1.0 by Elvin Nox AFront-Status-PPE for PC-Board 15.1+ thatshows whats on the other nodes (withouthandles). /X-Style!
NE-NSU10.ZIP 2,368 08-06-94 NSU 1.0 NewFileScan-PPE by Elvin Nox A NewFile-Scan-PPE for PCBoard 15.1 scan sinceyesterday/today/x days back for everyone whomissed the N Y U, N T U
NETMAIL.ZIP 11,682 02-11-94 NetMail v1.3 A FreeWare replacement for the(E) command in your NetMail conference forusers of Rob Kittfedge's 'QFront' program.(It could be modified to work with IP also)By: Cal Evans
NETME100.ZIP 11,305 12-23-94 NETM-E v1.00 - Initial release, for PCBoard15.21 only! works with PCBoard Fido. [PPE]program to replace the (E) Message commandsin your FidoNet netmail conference. simplifyuser input for both Fidonet netmail and into
NET_CMDS.ZIP 21,649 01-17-95 : : NET-CMDS.PPE: By Daryl Stogner : : ThisPPE is a menu that let's you : : select anon-screen view of the cmds : : forAREAFIX/NETMAIL Msgs/Internet : : EMAIL. Anda view of the cmds to use : : for an
NEWE.ZIP 4,128 09-19-94 PPE replacement for the [E] Command. Displaysa file to the caller and allows them to aborttheir message if they are not in the correctmessage base area, etc. Supports stackednames in conjunction with the command. FREE
NEWS11B6.ZIP 15,841 06-05-94 NEWSPAPER v1.1 - A News File Display Utilityfor PCBoard v15.1 or later. Easy to installand use! Newspaper reads a plain ASCII Textfile, and presents it to the Caller, using acustom design and color. Newspaper uses the
NEWS12.ZIP 4,180 08-09-94 NEWS.PPE, Ver. 1.2 A PCBoard 15.1 PPE thatdisplays multiple news files, but only ifthey are more current than the last time auser has logged onto the board.
NEWSCAN2.ZIP 4,491 02-25-94 v2.0 PPE Will ask your callers if they wouldlike to see a list of the new files added tothe system since there last file scan. (Ifthere are any) As soon as they logon. (C)1994Bill Masuka
NEWSTCC.ZIP 5,083 11-10-94 News Release- TTY/TDDs can now talk with anycomputer modem. Talk to your friends directlywithout the Telecommunications Relay Service(TRS). No expensive Baudot modem to purchase.
NEWUS101.ZIP 3,265 04-02-94 [PPE] PCBNewUsr By DynaSOFT [PPE] Thiswonderful PPE from DynaSOFT enhancesPCBoard's "(C) continue logon as new user (R)re-enter your name" prompt. Nicely designedoutput to help users create create their own
NLSTVT11.ZIP 4,353 06-05-94 NeW LiST V1.1 - PPE for PCB written by ThomasDe Quincy. This PPE will scan your filelistsand create a ZIP-file with all the new filesfrom a certain date and download the file.
NMREP106.ZIP 56,341 04-20-94 NetMail/Reply v1.6 This combination of PPEsreplace your (E) command and the (RE)plylines in your PCBTEXT. They assist your userin writing and replying to NetMail. They aredesigned to work with QFRONT by Rob
NOCRASH.ZIP 1,822 10-04-94 NOCRASH - BBS utility. Reboots the computerwhen the BBS hangs. Tiny TSR does cold bootif there is no disk activity in n minutes.n=1 to 999. Freeware.
NODESC16.ZIP 16,594 02-06-95 NodeScan v1.6 - PCBoard 15.2+ [PPE] The mostpowerful WHO replacement ever made forPCBoard! Now it supports up to 100 nodes. Itcomes with tons of nice features incl.: Fullcoloursetup,Broadcast function Enable/Disable
NONMULTI.ZIP 89,419 10-16-94 HOW TO guarantee no two nodes open the sameNON-Multi-Node Door at the same time whileusing PCBoard BBS Software. Completeinstructions in HOWTO.TXT!
NOTIF10.ZIP 7,795 08-19-94 Notifier v1. This program will create @X BBSif you are available for a chat or not. Runbulletin! You can choose your own display fiSoftware, Donny Brand. You know what to expe
NOTIFY10.ZIP 7,873 04-15-94 NOTIFY [PPE] v1.0 RELEASE! PPE designed tonotify a Sysop or Co-Sysop when a new usercalls. This PPE will send a message with allnew user information and optionally Caller-IDinformation and send a welcome message
NU-601.ZIP 9,730 01-22-95 NUSCAN 6.01 NUSCAN - PCBoard PPE - FREEWARE!Will ask your callers if they would like tosee a list of all the new files uploaded toyour system since there last file scan. Thereare a lot of bad imitations out there but,
NUC102B.ZIP 7,188 06-04-94 [THP] New User Config v1.o2eta (6.o4.94) NewUser Password prompts. Allows user toproperly enter information for each selectedformat when applying. Also allows users tore-edit registration info before logging off.
NUFILZ26.ZIP 10,051 07-14-94 NewFileScan PPE V2.6
NUFLAG11.ZIP 18,209 01-02-95 @X0E[PPE] @X0FMajor Upgrade to FLAG.PPE!Enhanced status/prompt line. rewritten tocontrol NON-batch protocol users, and usersthat have NO default protocol selected. ALLinfo screens are EXTERNAL,SEC+GRAPH+LANG
NUSCAN5.ZIP 4,701 06-12-94 FREE! NEWSCAN 5.0a FREE! Will ask yourcallers if they would like to see a list ofthe new files added to the system since therelast file scan. (If there are any) As soon asthey logon. NOW - FREEWARE! (C)1994 Bill
NUV13.ZIP 4,440 01-16-95 NUV v1.3 - New User Verification PCBoard.PPE. A simple but effective way to tossobvious idiot new users off your system. Freew/source! From The Lost Carrier BBS (914)964-0419 USR V.Everything.
NWBTH128.ZIP 66,166 03-20-94 NewBooth 1.28 - Companion Program For UseWith Voter Plus Versions 1.93 And Greater.Run as a Login Door, Will Notify The CallerIf A New Voting Booth Has Been Added SinceTheir Last Call. Optionally, The Caller May
O2_6.ZIP 9,050 03-19-94 This is a replacement chat PPE for pcboard15.1 and above systems. It has 3 paging timeper day, a list of people who can alwayspage, people who can never page, asks reasonfor page and checks against reasons not too
OBSCAN12.ZIP 40,293 02-20-94 OBSCAN v1.2 for PCBoard 15.0 & 15.1 will scanselected conference for obscene words. Iffound, message can be killed or echo flag becleared. SysOp and user can be notified.Original intent of program was to stop
OCCPS40.ZIP 21,723 11-28-94 ONLINE CREDIT CARD PROCESSING SYSTEM v4.0OCCPS is a PPE program to allow onlineregistration processing via credit cards,order products online, or optionally todownload a REGISTER.ZIP file for mail-in
OF-TOP15.ZIP 3,235 08-06-94 Over Flow Top U/L D/L Version 1.5
OFP10.ZIP 106,697 09-24-94 Online Funds Processor 1.0 - PPE for PCB 15.2The Online Funds Processor (OFP) is a trans-action processor that is designed to be usedby PCBoard 15.2 SysOps to collect transaction
OLDB.ZIP 15,179 05-02-94 OLDB.PPE - On-Line DataBase version 1.0 -Written using version 2.00 of the PCBOARD PPLlanguage. Either a single data base ormultiple data bases. Each with it's ownrecord headings. Each data base can have
OLREV-10.ZIP 151,142 01-20-94 OnLine Reviews v1.0 Initial Release A full-featured BBS door program that allows yourusers to write reviews relating to differentcategories which you have pre-determined inthe door. Other users may read or even
OLRPVW10.ZIP 9,071 08-30-94 ProView v1.0 by Lord of Road [OLR] One of thebest 'V' command you have ever seen!configurable + special features.
OLRPWT10.ZIP 5,980 08-30-94 ProWrite v1.0 by Lord of Road [OLR] One ofthe best 'W' command you have ever seen!configurable + special features.
OLRREF10.ZIP 6,905 08-30-94 PCB Refer 1.0 by Lord of Road [OLR] Now yourusers can refer newusers to your "closedboard" exactly like you have seen in theAmi-Express Boards, but in a PCB Style!
OME-DOIT.ZIP 3,205 04-24-94 You are able to add a *.hdr with an *.ppenow. in using doit.ppe. full configurablewith all kinds of *.ppe's
OMEGADLO.ZIP 7,341 04-24-94 D/DB replacement for cmd.lst showing the userhow much he can leech, and many other goodthings also included (bug free) replace forMKPCBTXT #61
OMNI0394.ZIP 11,137 02-26-94 OMNILINK Network OmniLink is a QWK Mailpacket network that specializes in fun andtheme conferences. This Zip file containseverything you need to get started in thenetwork. Mar 1994 Version
ONEARM15.ZIP 18,455 11-22-94 * One Armed Bandit * v1.5 * PCBoard .PPE gamethat simulates the playing of a slot machine.No maintenance required. No configurationfiles required. Quick & easy install viaCMD.LST and/or DOORS.LST. Shareware $10. Free
ONELINE1.ZIP 4,382 10-14-94 OneLiner.PPE v 1.0 by Windmill ComputerServices. A PCBoard add-on to display oneline advertisments (or teasers). Can work inconjunction with our ADBOARD.PPE to presentyour callers a full-featured advertising
ONEMM303.ZIP 22,549 01-09-94 THE WALL OF ONELINERS V3.03 - Onelinersprogram for PCBoard 15.0. It is the Ultimateoneliners program around. Program will scanoneliners for dirty words and supports thewonderful technology of RIP graphics. Uses
ORWAIT12.ZIP 21,483 01-19-95 OR WAIT.PPE 1.2 - Revision 01/20/95 This[PPE3] replace PCBTEXT #418, the WAIT prompt.This makes your BBS more fancy and colorful.CTTY ANSI,RIP support. EXTRA Configur- ableand language aware. Download it NOW. You
OR_WAIT1.ZIP 8,624 01-04-95 WAIT.PPE v1.0 - Release 01/05/94 This [PPE3]replace PCBTEXT #418, the WAIT prompt. Thismakes your BBS more fancy and colorful. CTTYANSI,RIP support. EXTRA Configur- able andlanguage aware. Download it NOW. You can't
OS178B.ZIP 6,958 01-29-94 ON-SALE.PPE v1.78b This version improves onthe classified entry by allowing up to sixlines per user, lists the date the classifiedwas placed and by which user, deleted someunused code from the PPE. Still in BETA -
P1_SUB10.ZIP 13,174 04-21-94 SUB10 Top Up/Downloaders PPE SUB10 Creates agraphical output of the top ten uploaders anddownloaders on a system. All graphs andscreens are 100% configurable. Same as theone used on Suburbia. Written by The Chairman.
PACKERV3.ZIP 70,427 11-15-94 Packer version 3.0 PACKER v1.0 for PCBOARD (uses USER.SYS ) A door game similar to thefamous game from a long time ago. Functionsbest at 9600 baud & greater. Really goodresponse on the best door program to date.
PAD_11.ZIP 34,051 09-16-94 PADLOADS.EXE - PCBoard BBS uploads padder.Pads the uploads DIR with additional files tomake the BBS look more active. Scans existingDIRs to pick out descriptions to add toupload DIR. Sysop configuration file
PAGE3.ZIP 4,729 11-09-94 O.PPE - Is a PPE program I wrote after seeone I thought was neat. It makes callersthink the Sysop is typing to them then actslike you dropping carrier on them. Just a funprogram to add variety to your board.
PANIC.ZIP 7,879 07-18-94 PPE (The panic button) This cute litel ppewill tease & scare your users. Its a joke ppefrom the twised minde of the * PHANTOM BBS *(716)-366-3884*
PATHNET2.ZIP 556,047 10-03-94 Pathnet is a canadian based mail net withconferences for people with addictions &other problems. This Net is fairly new andneeds support
PAUSEPPE.ZIP 4,704 02-12-94 PAUSE.PPE - v1.00 - Displays a windmill likeeffect using '-\/-' while waiting for a CRfrom the user. Can be used during any textfile or attached directly to PCBTEXT #418entry. FREEWARE from Gary Meeker with source
PBANK30.ZIP 31,730 01-23-94 PCBoard Time & Byte Bank v3.0 [PPE] (RequiresPCBoard 15.1) Menu and/or command line drivenBank PPE banks time and bytes. Withdraw timeand bytes. Logs to Caller Log, allows sysopto limit the time and bytes the user can
PCB&DV.ZIP 28,273 02-26-94 Running PCBored Under DesqView Hints
PCB-ATCH.ZIP 31,439 07-11-94 PCB-Attach v1.00 - IMPORT attached files fromQMAIL4 .QWK packets. Runs from batch fileduring message IMPORT under Cam-Mail andmaybe others. Includes a couple of otherutilities for assiting with IMPORTING and
PCB-SB.ZIP 75,027 05-14-94 SoundBlaster CHAT PAGE PPE!!! FOR PCBoard15.X Dox,MOD,and PLAYER included...
PCB151.ZIP 1448,569 04-15-94 PCBoard v15.1 DEMO Fully functionaldemonstration copy of PCBoard Bulletin Boardsoftware. While there are some built inlimits, such as in the number of users,messages, conferences and directories, the
PCB152PO.ZIP 17,080 11-14-94 Portuguese PCBTEXT 2.0 for PCBoard v15.2 ByVitor simo Any revision, please leave messageon PCBoard Internet Conference or send aNetMail to 2:362/6. MSmac BBS(R) - TorresVedras - Portugal - BBS#
PCB152QB.ZIP 31,038 11-11-94 Types & code segments for accessing PCBoard15.2 files in QuickBasic 4.5 and a few .OBJlibrary functions for data conversions. TYPESfor PCBOARD.SYS, USERS.SYS, USERS, USERS.INF,CNAMES.@@@, CNAMES.ADD, MSGS, MSGS.IDX,
PCB90091.ZIP 27,853 02-01-95 PCB900.PPE Accept subscriptions via an easyto call 900 number. Lower rates than some ofthe other 900 services. Charges at both $10and a $25 level are accepted. V.91b Releasedby: The Skull BBS
PCBAM10.ZIP 94,306 03-06-94 PCBAutoMessage v1.0 02/28/94 PCBAutoMessageis a PCBoard 15.x Utility that can leave newusers a welcome message. Requires TXT2MSGv2.42u. Easy to set up and use. Also requiresPCBUtility v1.0 to be set up. A part of the
PCBATI6.ZIP 31,519 03-19-94 PCBATI6 v1.2: A program for PCBoard v14.5aand v15.0 systems which, in conjunction withUSR HST Modems, can monitor line noise, keepa history of it, and inform your callers whenthey experience line noise. Uses the HST's
PCBBBL16.ZIP 21,391 05-05-94 PCBBBL v1.6 - Bulletin Board Lister PCBBBL isa PPE to help in the creation of masterbulletin board lists. This PPE sorts thelists by board name. Also has an option forflagging the lists. Will also check to make
PCBBE110.ZIP 10,895 11-23-94 The PCB Bulletin Executive v1.10Automatically Creates/Updates Bulletin menueach time it is run. Displays last datebulletin was changed. If you don't likedrawing screens each time you change a BLT,
PCBBET30.ZIP 59,686 08-12-94 PCB-Beta door v3.0. Simplies the task ofdistributing files to your customers. Veryeasy to use! Can be used to distribute filesthat have been released, updates, beta oralpha testing. Works with PCBoard 14.5
PCBBLT10.ZIP 166,804 08-25-94 PCBLIST Version 1.0 BETA RELEASE - BETARELEASE Complete rewrite of SS01-14P. Allowsusers to view PCBoard Systems by areacode,Search for text and download areacode lists.Supports non-std IRQ's and Fossil Support.
PCBBLT11.ZIP 4,536 04-17-94 PCB Bulletin Manager! v1.01 This PPE willallow your callers to select bulletins from amenu and not have to select 'B' everytime.Will read as many bulletins as you have.
PCBCA10.ZIP 127,729 03-06-94 PCBCallerAnalyzer Utility v1.0 03/06/94PCBCallerAnalyzer is a PCBoard 15.x Utilitythat will scan the CALLER(x) log and make aBLT of stats. Scan the whole log or selectnumber of days to scan. Easy to set up and
PCBCID10.ZIP 158,082 03-06-94 PCBCallerID Utility v1.0 03/06/94 PCBCallerIDis a PCBoard 15.x Utility that will scan theCALLER(x) log and make three BLTs of CIDstats. If you want to know who is callingfrom a number other than his voice or data
PCBCK221.ZIP 116,286 10-13-94 -> PCBCheck 2.21 < This release of theeasiest to use and set up upload processorfor PCBoard enhances compatibility withPCBoard 15.2 and adds to its features whichinclude an attractive, intelligent,
PCBCLM10.ZIP 34,002 08-17-94 PCB-CLM v1.00 [PPE]: The VERY FIRST PCBoardv15.2 and PPLC v3.0 PPE program! PCB-CLM willcreate conference listings by reading aconfiguration file... NO more conferencenumbers to know, PCB-CLM is intelligent
PCBCM20.ZIP 209,264 06-25-94 PCBConferenceMenu Utility v2.0b 06/25/94 Thisis a PCBoard 15.x Utility that will make aconference menu automaticly. It reads theCNAMES.@@@ file and builds the menu (CNFNxxx)
PCBCNU10.ZIP 14,900 08-17-94 PCB-CNU v1.00 [PPE]: One of the FIRST PCBoardv15.2 and PPLC v3.0 PPE programs! If you areusing PCBoard v15.2 and have lots ofconferences, then PCB-CNU is for you! PCB-CNUwill update your CNAMES files with longer
PCBDDINF.ZIP 12,915 09-16-94 BBS Dollars Direct for PCBoard v15.2!Information on a powerful online pcboardutility that will allow your users to pay foritems online with their checking or savingsaccount. Works directly with the system setup
PCBDE401.ZIP 94,426 06-29-94 The PCB Door Executive ver. 4.01 Creates *1*Menu for all your Doors & PPE programs. RunPPE & Doors from 1 menu! Totally SysopConfigurable. Optionally categorizes yourdoors for easier access. display by category
PCBDE510.ZIP 15,812 01-18-94 PCBDescribe v5.10 01/18/94 release. A utilityfor PCBoard systems that detects descriptionfiles inside of uploaded archive files anduses the contents to describe the upload.Version 5.00 adds compatibility with other
PCBED12B.ZIP 68,804 11-21-94 PCBEdit 1.20 Beta Release for PCBoard 15.2
PCBFMNU.ZIP 7,747 03-18-94 PCBForum v.94c [PPE] Sample Menu Set ANSIDRAWERS!!! We want to include as many menusets in the next version of PCBForum. D/Lthis A.S.A.P! Read PCBFMNU.NFO inside!
PCBFV38.ZIP 150,886 11-11-94 PCBFV 3.8 PCBoard Compressed File Viewer.Views ZIP, ARJ, LZH, ARC, PAK and SFX files.Read individual text files. Search for textwhile reading. Extract individual files forseparate download. Displays GIF dimensions.
PCBFV94B.ZIP 27,412 05-08-94 Nine One One PCBForum v0.94b PPE Replacesregular menu prompt with FORUMSYSOP/FILES/MSG/BBS/RUMOURS/NEWS..MENUS FullyConfigurable - Easy to Install! FREEREGISTRATION Supports Multinode
PCBFX22.ZIP 133,403 11-11-94 PCBFX 2.2 PCBoard File History/Profile Door.Reports times downloaded, who uploaded, dateof upload, last date downloaded, are time orbytes charged, enough time or bytes and more.
PCBGRAB4.ZIP 50,062 03-01-94 PCBoard 15.1 Description Grabber V4 Now IsSUPER FAST! Uses PCBoard's .IDX files.Average time is less the 4 secs! This PPEwill allow your users to down- load thedescriptions to the files they are
PCBH10.ZIP 98,193 03-06-94 PCBHack Utility v1.0 03/06/94 PCBHack is aPCBoard 15.x Utility that will scan theCALLER(x) log and scan for Password errors.It will then leave a user a message with infofrom the caller log to warn them in case it
PCBJC081.ZIP 52,307 04-18-94 Alpha v 0.81 release of PCBJC, a PCBoard JoinConference PPE. An enhancement to the "J"command, it asks for a KEYWORD describing theconference to JOIN. PPE searches PCBJC.@@@(an extension of CNAMES.@@@) for matching
PCBLIM10.ZIP 103,807 03-06-94 PCBLimit Utility v1.0 03/06/94 PCBLimit is aPCBoard 15.x Utility that will restrict ausers access (by name or security level)during certain hours and log them off with adisplay file. Easy to set up and use.
PCBLNK2.ZIP 4,678 05-31-94 PCB-Board Link Netmail System [2] A great andgrowing net in the 708 area code (Illinois)!Apply today! Topics range from A-Z! :)
PCBLOTTO.ZIP 4,432 06-10-94 PCB Lotto is a PPE written to quick pick 6 orquick pick 3 random numbers for the lottery.PCB Lotto requires PCBoard v15.1, and wascompiled using PPLC v2.0. PCB Lotto isfreeware, however I will not release the
PCBM102.ZIP 94,749 01-22-94 [ PCBMOVE Version 1.02 ] PCBoard utility forlazy sysops. PCBMove let's yourusers/co-sysops move files and theirdescriptions across the directories of yourBBS, either online as a door, or offline by
PCBM112.ZIP 71,339 12-06-94 PCBMONI2.EXE, v1.12, An OS/2 2.x PM/WPS nodeactivity monitor/editor for PCBoard v15.xThis is a very nice node monitor which doesmost of the same operations as pcbmoni.exeThis is a native 32bit OS/2 application and
PCBMNU.ZIP 10,625 02-19-94 A complete Menu/Submenu system for PCBoardv15.0. This file contains all .mnu @X and Ripgraphics files needed to set up PCBoardsubmenus. You do not have to make any changesto the PCBText file. All you need to do is to
PCBMODEM.ZIP 107,665 11-04-94 PCBModem 10/31/94 Release. Now includessupport for 7 new modems. Also added hot keysin Manufacture selection.
PCBMSG25.ZIP 404,399 02-10-95 PCBmsg v2.5 PC-Board format message manager
PCBNET71.ZIP 133,323 11-02-94 PCB-Net v7.1 Supports PCBoard 15.0-15.2. VeryFast. This will will update your Users MailWaiting Flags. You need this if you carryEchoMail or if you're using Old Third PartySoftware that doesn't support the new file
PCBNEW14.ZIP 10,335 06-04-94 PCBNEWS v1.14 - PCB News Editor [PPE] - Auseful Sysop's Aid to help create news files.Seamless interface, configurable header ANDfooter files, can define a security levelneeded to add a news entry, can set an
PCBNORWA.ZIP 51,536 10-16-94 Norwegian PCBTEXT and HLP files for PCB 14.5/ 15.1 / 15.2.
PCBOC110.ZIP 311,862 12-18-94 Online Checks Direct! <tm> For PCB (v1.10)PCBOCD (as it is called) is a unique programthat will allow your users to purchase from aproduct listing (via the PCBoard SalesExecutive) and to pay for the products with
PCBORDER.ZIP 2,987 03-19-94 PCBoard Order Information (01-01-94)
PCBOS2_1.ZIP 34,295 02-07-94 Run a multi-node PCBoard (V 15.x) under OS/22.1GA. Included are MY config.sys file, aswell as a text file I wrote and my DOSSESSION SETTINGS. Along with some otherhelpfull tips. (FORMERLY CALLED PCB_OS2.ZIP)
PCBP10.ZIP 108,791 03-06-94 PCBPurge Utility v1.0 03/06/94 PCBPurge is aPCBoard 15.x Utility that will purge aCaller(x) or Download.txt file by UserName,FileName, or Days and then zip the purgeddata for later reference. Easy to set up and
PCBSEC31.ZIP 11,866 02-05-95 PCBSEC v3.10 - Encrypted E-Mail For PCBoard.Compiled with PPLC 3.0 - Freeware PPE for theuse of PCBoard SysOps. - 3.10 allows anexternal message to be sent to users thathave had an encrypted archive transmitted to
PCBST10.ZIP 102,422 03-06-94 PCBStrip Utility v1.0 03/06/94 PCBStrip is aPCBoard 15.x Utility that will scan a filewith PCBoard macros and make a readable file.It will strip / replace most macros including
PCBSTYLE.ZIP 9,354 03-02-94 DirStyler v1.0 for PCBoard
PCBTEXT.ZIP 12,258 04-10-94 This Is A Translation Of Text And Questions
PCBTPOR.ZIP 16,670 02-06-94 Portuguese PCBTEXT 1.0 for PCBoard v15.x Anyrevision, please leave message on PCBoardRime Conference or send a NetMail to 2:362/6.MSmac BBS - Portugal - 351-61-314336/314632FA
PCBTXTIT.ZIP 39,714 11-09-94 Italian PCBtext for PCBoard 15.2. Includesall HELP files and BRDM for ver.15.2. Nov94.Authour : Salvo Reina Italy
PCBTXTP2.ZIP 17,111 11-23-94 Portuguese PCBTEXT 2.1 for PCBoard v15.2 ByVitor simo "Return Receipt" translationcorrected. Any revision, please leave messageon PCBoard Internet Conference or send aNetMail to 2:362/6. MSmac BBS(R) - Torres
PCBUPK10.ZIP 1385,604 12-03-94 PCBUtility Package V1.0 03/06/94 This archivecontains all of the PCBUtility programs.Includes PCBUtility,Caller Log Analizer,WhoCalled,Conference Menu maker, Strip PCBoard @codes,Auto Message, User Access Utility,User
PCBUT10.ZIP 142,762 12-03-94 PCBUtility Package V1.0 03/06/94 This archivecontains the MAIN PCBUtility archive. This isthe setup program needed by all of thePCBUtility Package programs. *PCBEvent keyworks with all of the PCBUtility Package
PCBUU20.ZIP 216,026 03-18-94 !!! PCBuucp Version 2.0 Information Packageon the full-featured PCBoard - Internet andUSENET gateway software. PCBuucp v2.0 isfully compatible with PCBoard 15.x andPageSat and Planet Connect.
PCBUW11.ZIP 104,702 03-14-94 PCBUsernetWait Utility v1.1 03/14/94PCBUsernetWait is a PCBoard 15.x Utility thatwill poll the UserNet.xxx file untill a nodedrops to an event or reloads PCBoard This isnot a "Blind" wait program that keeps your
PCBVP32.ZIP 34,120 03-13-94 DWF Productions Ltd. presents: PCBVP v3.2 - APCB 15.0+ interface for VGA Planets. Handlesup to 100 games concurrently. Configuresitself on first run. Users can be involved inmultiple games. Allows users to d/l and u/l
PCBWHO16.ZIP 15,399 02-09-94 PCBWHO v1.6 - Lurking Node Display [PPE] Addsthe ability for you to TOTALLY configure yourOWN colors in the WHO display - *AND* theoption of excluding predefined names toappear in the display! Multi-Lingual Support
PCB_ICE.ZIP 1,706 11-25-94 Installbatches for IcE_Zmodem in PCBoard15.xx
PCB_TIME.ZIP 3,352 12-31-94 Time.ppe for PCBoard v15.x Conference commandprompt with source code
PCF-4_0.ZIP 40,695 02-24-94 [ PCF 40 ] The ultimate filer forPCBOARD,PROBOARD PcExpress, RemoteAccess,SuperBBS and many others. Includes FILE_IDsin the filelist as well as GIF,PCX and BMPresolution. Can add uncompressed archive
PCFAE095.ZIP 192,990 04-08-94 PC-Board File Area Editor 0.95 Beta Thisprogram is the most complete editor availablefor the PC-Board BBS software. FAE can manageall your file areas with such ease, you'llwonder how you ever managed without it. Sixth
PCHES200.ZIP 197,297 02-27-94 Prochess v2.0 - Chess Door with User Vs User(Crossnode), Chess computer with openingslibrary, User-Vs-Sysop, Netmail chess(InterBBS), Multiline, VGA-Mouse-Terminal(PCTERM), AVT/0+ and many things more. For
PCMAT.ZIP 4,083 12-10-94 PPE - PCMAT - By KaMiKasE This PPE allow theSysOp to Know which Users wants to Format hisHD.. It appears is Formating, but IT'S NOT!Than he receives a <ByE,ByE>
PETC12.ZIP 5,168 08-06-94 Press Enter To Continue V1.02 TotallyConfigurable PPE! - Configurable Prompt -Randomly Selected Prompts - Up to 100Prompts! - The Most Configurable PETC PromptAvailable ANYWHERE!
PHCD.ZIP 10,427 07-26-94 PPE THAT TELLS YOU WHAT CD ROM IS IN THEDRIVE!! HANDELS UP 20 CD'S !!!!......... *PHANTOM BBS * (716)-366-3884*
PHONE120.ZIP 7,527 08-28-94 * The Phone Number Utility v1.20 * Promptreplacement utility that will keep thecorrect phone format. Utility will providedashes (-) and parentheses (()) for the userto keep the correct format. Checks for phone
PIC-RND2.ZIP 4,756 03-15-94 Random.PPE v1.01 for PCBoard 15.1 ScreenRandomizing Utility
PIC-STAT.ZIP 3,247 03-18-94 PCE Style - Personal stats PPE
PICLSTAT.ZIP 2,580 04-14-94 PCEexpress Logon User Stats v1.00 [PPE]
PICPSTA.ZIP 3,843 04-14-94 "PCE Style" Personal stats. NEW VERSION!
PINV2.ZIP 10,338 03-11-94 This is revision 2 of the PIN.PPE that Iwrote. It adds more security, and a couple ofdifferent utilities that also increasesecurity. The PIN information is now storedin a TPA you install in your user records. It
PLA-MENU.ZIP 2,188 08-30-94 MENU [PPE] for PCB Replaces the "?"-commandand removes "Menu Letter/Command you needHelp with"-string...
PMEOFF2.ZIP 12,447 04-15-94 Things that realy P me off... Add this PPE toany Display file and get a smile out of yourusers Things that realy p me off...... is avery entertaining PPE. Add this one to your
PMTTV16.ZIP 36,418 12-29-94 Pepster's Movie Time Trivia 1.60 FREEWARE!!!!Simple, but yet powerful Online Trivia Gamethat is 100% FREE. Source Code Available uponrequest. Written for PCBoard 15.2 using PPL3.00. Better than some costly shareware
PNEWS200.ZIP 49,355 01-23-95 PCB News Editor v2.00 This program will allowa simple program for a sysop to update newson his BBS. simple setup. Now allows Sysop tocreate news from a input file, multipleconfig files, and more! Registration: $5
PNODE-13.ZIP 13,231 05-02-94 Private Node v1.3 by: Code 3 Set-up a privatenode. This version adds hours to reopen andan exempt user list. A must for multi-nodePCboard 15.1+ Added new option in PNUSER fileand tightened code. FREEWARE!
POB605.ZIP 4,791 01-06-95 POB605 [PPE3] / PCB 15.2 - 1.00[1/1]POB605.PPE is a replacement for the entry 605(Proceed with logoff?) in PCBtext. Read theDOKU <g> for more details. This PPE isMultilingual, German is incl. A must if you
POBBULL1.ZIP 9,339 09-06-94 POB BULL [PPE3] / PCB 15.2 0.01 BULLETIN PPEMenue for PCB 15.2 only! Full configurablewith configfile Multilanguage Support -unlimited Bulletins multi page - very fast -select Bulletin with cursor - security check
POBMOR14.ZIP 12,612 09-15-94 POBMORE.PPE3 for PCB 15.2 v0.14[1/1] *SUPPORT * BBS * Clark Development's GermanDistribution Site for order call:+49-(0)8807-91881 / 93339 ISDN:+49-(0)8807-93337 / 93338 Extendet PPE Menue
POBNLS03.ZIP 8,131 01-16-95 POBNLS [PPE3] / PCB 15.2 - 0.03[1/1]POBNLS.PPE is a Nodelist browser for PCB. Ifyou run FIDO with PCBoard 15.21 you'll needthis! You can search for SYSOP name or BBSname to get info about NODENUMBER and PHONE #
POBSPY1R.ZIP 25,361 09-03-94 POB SPY [PPE3] / PCB 15.2 1.00R[1/1] PCBoard<*-POB-SUPPORT-BBS-*> Distributor USR 1440008807/91881 (6 NODES RINGDOWN) ZYXEL 1920008807/93339 (V32/42bis) ISDN 6400008807/93337 (X75/CAPI) SPY.PPE is a WHO
POBT15_2.ZIP 15,036 11-26-94 PCBTEXT.GER German PCBoard 15.2 TXT File
POB_SC2.ZIP 10,528 01-06-95 POB_SC2 [PPE3] / PCB 15.2 - 1.00[1/1]POB_SC2.PPE is a very simle PPE only forPCBoard Distributors! This PPE make it easierto insert the code for the PCBoardDistributor DOOR. Automatical updates the
POG14.ZIP 19,774 11-22-94 .. Pot Of Gold .. v 1.4 .. PCBoard .PPE gameof chance. Try your luck at this fun game. Nomaintenance required. No configuration filesrequired. Quick & easy install via CMD.LSTand/or DOORS.LST. Shareware $10. Free BBS
POST31.ZIP 71,475 10-24-94 NEWS POST Version 3.1 for WildCat and PCboardnews bulletins. Gives powerful control overcreating/editing PCB/WC News files. Featuresmany great options including PCB & WC Macros
POSTBLT1.ZIP 12,544 11-28-94 A POSTLINK Mail run report Utility! Postbltwill create an informative bulletin for yourlast mail run, letting your users know howmany messages that were exported, andimported. Fully configurable as to color,
POWPP200.ZIP 224,043 12-30-94 PowerPPL v2.0 PCBoard Programming LanguageEditor! This customizable editor does *colorize the PPL KeyWords * give full PPLHelp (CTRL-F1) * Compile and RUN PPE insideeditor * Error browsing & tracking *
POWPPL12.ZIP 173,072 08-05-94 POWERPPL 1.20 PPL Sources Editor ColorizedCode (Borland-like) Full PPL Help (c-F1 onany PPL keyword) Compile in editor Compileresults window Multi-window Full Blockedition Clipboard & Undo 25/50 Lines A MUST
POWRPK10.ZIP 31,798 04-02-94 DynaSOFT PowerPack! The best quality pack ofPPE programs ever created! You must see this!Download it today! All freeware! Courtesy ofDynaSOFT Support BBS and DynaSOFT. Update 1.0
PPE-MENU.ZIP 23,954 11-07-94 -+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+- -PPE-MENU.ZIP: Generic Menus in - - PPE formatfor PCBoard v15.2+. - - - These menus haveHOT-KEYS or use - - HI-LITE BARS that movewith the - - arrow keys to activate a
PPEBV_2.ZIP 14,989 04-29-94 PPEBack V. 2.0 So many added functions, wejust HAD to call it V. 2. This PPE is ment tocall user's back if they have line noise.Functions include time's of callback,bulletin maker for users that don't connect,
PPEMNU10.ZIP 7,962 02-28-94 PPEMENU Version 1.0 Beta Introducing PPEMENUVersion 1.0. Groups all of you PPE's underone convenient and neat menu for your usersto access. Able to be installed anywhere aPPE may be installed. Comes with a
PPENT200.ZIP 6,246 08-06-94 PPEnet Info/APP Pack 200Nodelist,Echolist,App. Released August 5th,1994
PPEPAKTS.ZIP 26,848 05-30-94 PPE Games - Blackjack, Card Sharks & Slots
PPESCR17.ZIP 41,625 11-01-94 PPE-Script v1.70 (11-01-94) - Newask/Logon/Logoff/Script program. Replaces registrationdoors and offers full registration options.Script file driven .PPE allows branching toFive levels of scripts and is extremely
PPE_MENU.ZIP 23,563 11-07-94 -+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+- -PPE-MENU.ZIP: Generic Menus in - - PPE formatfor PCBoard v15.2+. - - - These menus haveHOT-KEYS or use - - HI-LITE BARS that movewith the - - arrow keys to activate a
PPE_UPGR.ZIP 5,417 06-07-94 This is an example PPE for the Demo versionof PCBoard/PPL Compiler. It gives a verysimple age computation, and shows how a usercould be automatically upgraded for adultareas of a board, based on their age. It does
PPL-NET2.ZIP 9,461 05-07-94 PPL Network Info Package. This network isdedicated to the PCBoard Programming Languageand the SysOps and users of PPEs and PPLC.Network is capable of Fidonet, and QWKtransfers. *Now available via RaceNet(tm)*
PR100.ZIP 4,407 06-23-94 PPERUN.PPE - v1.00 - PPE Menu PPE. Checkssecurity levels before running the PPE in themenu. Great for keeping those peskyunregistered users out of your bank or lottoPPE's! SHAREWARE by Rob Borek.
PRELOG10.ZIP 6,400 07-23-94 Prelog V1.0 PPE that allows users to upload afile or download from a selected list withoutactually loging on to the bbs.
PRFL200.ZIP 25,228 06-16-94 User Profile Version 2.0 for PCB15.1 This PPEwill allow for your Users to see informationabout other Users that are on your BBS.Includes Favorite's, Phone numbers etc. Newinformation and faster access. Fully
PRIMEXPT.ZIP 3,341 08-13-94 Xpert Toggle PPE Asks if the user is surethey wamt to turn expert mose either on or off
PRLST50.ZIP 127,039 01-27-94 Power List 5.0 - A utility allowing a user tocreate his own personal files list based oninterest. Why download complete file listUsers can also scan for files by date ortext. Supports non-standard comports. Now
PRO-QWK.ZIP 6,500 05-02-94 PRO-QKW.PPE for PcBoard v15.1 Adds All NEWFILES LIST to QWK Packet
PROED1B.ZIP 44,889 05-14-94 ProEdit V1.0 for PCB 05/05/94 This archivecontains a new editor for the PCBoardsprompts. You can now use this powerful coloredit to design your indi- vidual prompts.This one is COOL! *COMPATIBLE to MKPCBTXT &
PROMPT.ZIP 2,450 10-07-94 A nice animated main prompt replacement, anadaptation of the prompt used in thedoors.ppe of CDC's
PROMPTU.ZIP 7,524 05-08-94 Selectable Prompts PPE for PCBoard Thisefficient PPE works for all PCBoard BBSesthat use the famous Violater Prompts and usethe Rumours PPE by Vigilante. THE bestSelectable Prompts PPE Available!
PROTCT10.ZIP 2,850 03-27-94 [PPE] PCBProtect 1.0 [PPE] PCBProtect is asimple PPE forcing messages addressed to allto be sent to the public (non receiver-only,etc) * FREEWARE from DynaSOFT*
PROTXT10.ZIP 16,539 02-19-94 ProTxt is an alternate editor for PCBoard'sPCBTEXT files. It allows you to simul-taneously view and/or edit two differentPCBTEXT files. ProTxt works more like atraditional "text editor" - i.e. it allows
PTAHANG.ZIP 3,298 08-06-94 HaNGUp PPE v1.0
PTAPROT.ZIP 3,850 08-06-94 PRoToCoL PPe v2.o Replace the T Commd(Trasfer Protocol) From MaIN MENU!
PULL12.ZIP 15,092 01-12-95 Pull Down Menu PPE 1.2 - Scott Eby Best andONLY Pull Down Menu PPE. Replaces Main Menuand is totally configurable. Light bar drivenCursor PLUS prompt still available while
PULLDOWN.ZIP 6,466 01-22-95 PullDown is the source code to a pulldownmenu system for PCBoard 15.x and higher. Iused procedures in the code so you will tohave PPLC v3.0 or higher to comile the code.Instructions are sparce but there are some at
PULLSH3.ZIP 27,188 01-11-95 <<<Finally a full PULL DOWN Menu>>> <<<VERSION 3.6 MAJOR REVISION >>> <<<PPE FORPCBOARD 15.2+ bbs's >>> Fully configurablepull down menus that supports running otherppe's or regular commands without the use of
PURGE30.ZIP 66,303 05-24-94 PURGE old and outdated files. NOW A FREEUTILITY FOR ALL PCBOARD SYSOPS! - ENJOYWritten and (C) by Ray Novino
PUTT151.ZIP 147,804 02-23-94 BBS Putt Putt (Door Game) ver. 1.51 Take abreak on this 9/18 hole miniature golfcourse. WARNING: This game has Live Action,No Daily Maintence, Requires ANSI , UsesDOORFRAME Library, and Supports MOST BBS
PWAAM11R.ZIP 5,529 07-26-94 PWA AutoMessage v1.1 By AReS [PWA] The bestAutoMessage PPE around. Highly configurable.Clone of AutoMessage+ for Renegade. Shows 3AutoMessages at one time. No Reg, No Bugs,NEW Features
PWAAMXCH.ZIP 3,815 01-14-95 AMI-X Chat PPE by Timecop A small, quick, andsimple AMI/X styled SysOp Chat replacementPPE. Very clean with no nonsense.
PWAAP10.ZIP 6,042 08-30-94 Any-Password v1.0 by Drew [PWA] Use this foryour new user password, a system password, orjust about any where you use a password!Source included.
PWAARAM.ZIP 4,050 06-25-94 PWA AutoMessage v1.0 [by AReS] The bestAutoMessage PPE around. Highly configurable.Clone of AutoMessage+ for Renegade. Shows 3AutoMessages at one time. No RegistrationRequired!
PWACJ11.ZIP 11,343 12-25-94 Conference Join v1.1 by Drew [PWA] Aconference join PPE that shows only theconferences a user has access to whileignoring "blank" conferences as well asunaccessible ones. v1.1 fixes a minor bug and
PWACS11.ZIP 23,321 08-30-94 DEF Comment to Sysop v1.1 by Drew [PWA]Replace your "C" command with the bestlooking and easiest to install Sysop Commentppe ever. Fully lightbar and and hot-keydriven. Also includes an easy to use configprogram!
PWAEEM11.ZIP 14,641 01-14-95 Enhanced End of Message v1.1 by Drew Replaceyour End of Message prompt with this cleanlooking, highly configurable, hotkey &lightbar driven PPE replacement. Written inPPL 3.0 for PCBoard 15.2 only. V1.1 is a
PWAEF20.ZIP 30,021 12-25-94 Enhanced Flag v2.0 by Drew [PWA] Get rid ofthat ancient FLAG.PPE! Use those up and downarrows to flag your files OBV/2 & V/2 style.EFLAG v2.0 has been totally rewritten fromscratch in PPL 3.0 for PCB 15.2 only. Has
PWAEMC12.ZIP 15,074 01-14-95 Enhanced Mesg Edit Cmds v1.2 by Drew A crisp& clean looking PPE replacement for your (S)(A) (D) etc. message edit prompt. Hotkey andlightbar driven for an easy interface.Written in PPL 3.0 for PCBoard 15.2+ only.
PWAEQU10.ZIP 16,747 12-25-94 Enhanced Quick Uploader v1.0 by Drew Do yourblind uploads the CORRECT way: no morechoking if you already have files flagged fordownload. Features lightbars, private messageto the sysop, and source code. Another PPE
PWAFSM13.ZIP 4,461 07-21-94 PWA Editor v1.3 [ By Nemesis ] PCBOARD 15.1PPE - Allows Sysops To Change the NastyCyan/Yellow Full Screen Message Header - !NewVersion/Bug Fix!
PWAFV25R.ZIP 35,414 07-21-94 PWA File Viewer v2.5 [ By Defcon 4 ] Zip FileViewer that improves the good old PCBFV withunheard of configurabilty. Many Changes andfixes from 2.2. Also supports Viglante's new
PWAJIT10.ZIP 6,035 06-05-94 JOIN-IT V1.00 PPE
PWALC20R.ZIP 4,022 07-21-94 [Lightning Config 2.0][By AReS/PWA] [PPE]Replacement for the "W" command Gives a fullscreen V/2 style account configuration menu.Updated Version, Full Configurability, NoBugs, No Reg
PWAMR10S.ZIP 12,719 06-05-94 PWA Menu Rotator v1.0[ By Drew ] Rotate anynumber of menus randomly and according touser security levels! Highly configurable andnot crippled!
PWANFS10.ZIP 24,815 08-30-94 PWA DEF New File Scan v1.0 by Drew Finally, auser configurable new file scanner! Users areable to select which file areas they want toscan and keep the configuration! All regular
PWANWS1R.ZIP 5,658 06-25-94 PWA News v1.0 [ By Defcon 4] PWA News is agraphical replacement for the news file. Ithas sysop maintance and and a graphicalmessage header.
PWAPG21.ZIP 38,013 01-14-95 Prompts Galore! v2.1 by Drew [PWA] Replace44(!) of those boring PCBoard text promptswith these slick looking lightbar prompts!This is a must have for the complete lightbarmaniac. V2.0 has been completely rewritten in
PWAPMT13.ZIP 11,355 07-21-94 Prompts V1.3 [ By CorruptioN ] PCBOARD 15.1PPE That provides the users to choose from amenu of prompts or make new ones. Unlimitedwith Lightbar menu. Now included with 2source codes for the ulimate inconfigurability.
PWASIG11.ZIP 7,534 06-18-94 AutoSig V1.1 PPE for PCBoard 15.1 Thatprovides the users to maintain a SIGNATUREand have it put at end of messageautomatically.
PWASS02.ZIP 17,823 08-30-94 DEF System Statistics v0.2 by Drew [PWA] Abeta version of a very useful PCBoardutility. This will scan your CALLERx logs,accumulate many statistics, and create areport. In need of beta test sites for thisutil!
PWATEAT.ZIP 10,086 07-21-94 PWA T.E.A.T. v1.2 [ By Candy Man ] TEAT is aPPE which keeps a running database of thecurrent Ellite acronyms. User canfind/add/change existing ones online to keepthe database accurate.
PWATL11.ZIP 6,599 08-30-94 Turbo Logon v1.1 by Drew [PWA] A completelyflexible Turbo Logon PPE. Specify anythingyou want to skip in the logon sequence. Veryeasy to use, even easier to configure. Sourceincluded.
PWATP11.ZIP 19,959 08-30-94 Transfer Protocol v1.1 by Drew [PWA] Replaceyour boring T command with this slick lookingPPE! Full lightbar and hotkey support.Non-braindead and reads your PCBPROT.DATautomatically. Also has an easy-to-use config
PWATX10.ZIP 4,593 07-26-94 PWA Top/X v1.0[ By Mad Wizard ] Finally aquick and easy top 10 upload - downloadbulletin generator. List 10 users andclassifies them as leech or favorite. Allthis in a classic AMI/X format.
PWAUL10R.ZIP 4,905 07-26-94 PWA UserList v1.0 By AReS [PWA] ] ColorConfigurable, OBV/2 Style Userlist Incrediblyfast display with User Search ConfigurableHeader and More
PWAUS12.ZIP 28,659 08-30-94 DEF User Lister 1.2 by Drew [PWA] Get rid ofthat boring user listing! This is the mostconfigurable user listers available. Listalmost any popular statistics about a user,any color, and order that you want! Now
PWAVR10.ZIP 10,863 08-30-94 VROTATE v1.0 by Drew [PWA] For users ofPROMPTS by Vigilante, this allows you to haverandom logon screens. Eight sample logonscreens as well as source code is included.
PWC_ANSI.ZIP 3,194 08-13-94 QUiCK ANSi QUeRY v1.0 By MeNTaL Asks Users IfThey Want Ansi Or Not, Replacement PPe ForThat Old "Want Grafix (y/n)?" PCBPrompt.
PWC_AUTO.ZIP 4,002 08-13-94 QUiCK aUTo MeSSaGe v1.0 By MeNTaL 5 Line AutoMessage PPe Designed To Be Used During LoginSequence, And From Main Menu.
PWC_FILE.ZIP 3,596 08-13-94 QUiCK FiLe PRoMPT v1.0 By MeNTaL Tired OfThat Shitty Default File Prompt? Well,Replace It With This PPe And It'll FixEverything.. ;)
PWC_MTRX.ZIP 8,016 08-13-94 QUiCK DoS MaTRiX v1.0 QUiCK PPE (C) 1994 ByMeNTaL KaSe [Coder] Renegade/Vision-X StylePPE Tired Of Slow, Annoying LightBars AndWanna Try A Dos Matrix For A While? =)...Well, Here Ya Go... Supports System PW
PWD17.ZIP 21,917 02-27-94 [PPE] PWD17.ZIP v1.7 Date: 02-27-94 Compiledwith PPLC v2.00 (for PCBoard v15.1) PCBoardPPE program that will allow callers who enteran incorrect password to reset it if they canmatch the information contained in the
PWRAP106.ZIP 20,709 08-09-94 PCBWrap v1.06, DOS utility: PCBoard filelistoffline reformatter. Freeware (c) 1994[94/08/09] by DDA - Reign Ware. W/ Pascalsource. New: faster & more powerful.
PW_CBACK.ZIP 5,058 02-22-94 This PPE is designed for high-securitysystems. It will let your callers log in,hang up on them, and call them back at apre-set phone number. When they answer, itallows them to continue with the session. If
PW_MENU.ZIP 11,282 05-18-94 [PPE] This is a self-maintaining menu system.It will run PPE, EXE, COM, BAT or displayfiles, with or without Doorway. It will buildit's own command line, or let you enter one
PW_PIN2.ZIP 10,368 03-14-94 This is revision 2 of the PIN.PPE that Iwrote. It adds more security, and a couple ofdifferent utilities that also increasesecurity. The PIN information is now storedin a TPA you install in your user records. It
Q-CLR11.ZIP 9,188 07-21-94 CARRIER LOST REPLACER V1.1 Changes PCBoards'Carrier Lost ...' file description - betterthan changing PCBTEXT record #215 - writtenby Frank Q.
Q-DUP232.ZIP 14,793 07-21-94 DAYUP v2.32 of (07.10.94) [Q-TiP!] A PCBoardUtility that creates a News File with allFiles Uploaded today/counts Bytes Files andFakes. Another Q-Tip Production!
Q-FW100.ZIP 2,484 03-02-94 -/- FRONTWHO v1.00 PCB v15.0+ PPE -\- Asimple PPE to show the Nodestatus at loginReplace Your 'Do You want graphics ?' Promptwith this. Compiled with PPLC Version 1.00 !
Q-LD200.ZIP 10,486 06-20-94 LOCALDEL v2.00 of (06/12/94) - [Q-TiP!]LOCALDEL is THE Util for all you lazy &trading Sysops doing Local Uploads like hell- No more Exit to Dos necessary to delete thefiles from your temp dir! LOCALDEL will do
Q-LOG10.ZIP 9,834 07-21-94 Q-LOG PCBOARD LOGFILE ADJUSTER v1.0 CutsPCBoards logfile down to x lines when it hasgot y+ lines. Keeps only full callers.Written by Frank Q.
Q-SD100.ZIP 2,094 06-05-94 SysopDownload [PPE] v1.00 - (Q-TIP 1994)Sys-Download is a PPE to allow Your CoSysopsto Download any File from your HardDrive likeon /X and PCE Boards SOURCE CODE INCLUDED!
Q-UBP102.ZIP 9,799 06-18-94 UBPLUS v1.02 of (06/11/94) (Q-TIP) AnULBY.PPE Application, to add the customizedUploaded by: String, if ZipZap or Diz/2-PCBdid not process a File (.exe, etc.)
Q-WHO210.ZIP 4,345 07-26-94 QWHO v2.10 PPE of (07/17/94) - (Q-TiP!) QWhov2.10 is the most configurable 'WHO'replacement out. Test it and you'll love itSupporting the 'TB_Q_PPE' thing, too...
Q-XJV210.ZIP 16,647 01-25-95 XTRA JOiN/2 v2.10 for PCBoard 15.1.ql.new.features-passwords-info.screens.
Q-ZZ146.ZIP 63,479 07-21-94 ZIPZAP v1.46 of (07.11.94) - (Q-TIP 1994) -/The Ultimate PCBoard Upload Processor \-Supporting ZIP/ARJ/LZH/LHA/TXT/GIF Files,Adds No. of Files, Date of .Nfo and .Diz orDate of Newest and Oldest File to the Desc.
QF-114P.ZIP 234,362 12-05-94 Wide beta version 1.14b of QFront, afull-featured FidoNet mailer for PCBoard.This is a patch upgrade for QFront 1.13bONLY. If you are not running QFront 1.13b, donot attempt to apply this patch. If you are
QFLAG1.ZIP 3,387 07-04-94 A replacement to allow users to flag amessage when using the Q command in Pcboard.Great PPE just like David Terry's FLAG PPE.ISOQ BBS MADE PPE (718) 268-5025 FREEWARE PPESOURCE CODE INCLUDED
QFMAIL2C.ZIP 14,285 01-07-94 QF-Mail v2.0c Compiled on 01-07-93 PCBoard15.1 [PPE] program to replace the (E)nter aMessage command in your FidoNet netmailconference. Simplifies user input for normalFidoNet netmail and can search the nodelist
QF_113.ZIP 1022,620 10-13-94 Wide beta version 1.13b of QFront, afull-featured FidoNet mailer for PCBoard. Ifyou are upgrading from QFront 1.12b, downloadQF-113P which is a patch for 1.12b and ismuch smaller than this full release package.
QF_1131.ZIP 115,441 10-14-94 QScan 1.131b fixes a bug in QScan 1.13b thatcaused high message pointers to not beupdated in some circumstances. Download thisimmediately if you are ALREADY RUNNING QScan1.13b.
QOTD191.ZIP 276,143 04-30-94 Quote Of The Day - Version 1.9 Over 5500quotes, quips and giggles. Fullyconfigureable and network friendly Includedis a PCBoard 15.1 PPE for reading &displaying quotes on a BBS. Written byMidnight Programmers
QSCANV75.ZIP 2,501 04-10-94 QSCAN v7.5 FREE-WARE As per user request.Changed the menu screen to display currentConference Name and Number above the Menu.
QUOTE-ME.ZIP 23,016 05-06-94 Quote-Me PPE v2.0, Quote of the day This PPEprogram is a quote of the day generator. Thatdisplays a random quote everytime a user logson. It also has the ability to allow yourusers to add their own quotes. Uses a key
QUOTE.ZIP 31,407 11-25-94 @X19@X10@X07 @X19 @X1FMAIN MENU QUOTE v1.0@X10@X07 @X19@X10@X07 @X07A PPE FOR PCBOARD15.2 @X07Fix your main menu to display@X07different quotes anywhere @X07on thescreen. @X0F@FIRST@@X07, You must @X07get
QUOTE1.ZIP 39,661 07-27-94 ==================== QUOTE OF THE DAY Version1.0 ===========-=-=-=-====== A PPE FORPCBOARD 15.0 Fully Functional UncrippledShareware Excellent Color Graphics display!Configurable to display your BBS name Zip
QUOTE_10.ZIP 35,953 09-04-94 TREK QUOTES, vers 1.0. A PCBoard 15.2 PPEthat displays a different quote from theOriginal Star Trek for every day of the year.Performs short animation sequence, then thequote of the day.
QV11.ZIP 7,948 12-20-94 Quick View v1.1 + PCBoard PPE utility toquickly pull up a user's record while readingmessages online. Check it out! Compiled on12/20/94. FREEWARE!!
QWKMSG30.ZIP 6,408 03-31-94 QUICK MESSAGE You *MUST* see this! This isthe best one- liner ever made! It allowshandles, real names, or anonymous mode. ByDynaSOFT Version 3.0 (FREEWARE!)
QWKSTAT3.ZIP 11,343 04-15-94 %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%QWKSTATS v3.1 Last Caller + Stats PPE Aunique display shows your last caller infoalong with the current users stats combined -in one elegant screen! Shows between WELCOME
QWK_AXY2.ZIP 5,200 08-13-94 QWK_AXY!.PPE QWK Cmd Litebar - QWK commandreplacement - - Written for PCBoard 15.1 - -Features Litebar Menu with - - Cursor keymovement. Configurable - - Display screensand color. - - Sample Screens Included! -
R2LODOUP.ZIP 4,712 12-25-94 PCB Logon Door for v15.x
RA-SYSOP.ZIP 6,551 06-05-94 [RA!] Multiple Sysop Selection v0.50b - -This PPE for PCBoard v15.1 is designed tomaximize the normal sysop comment command("C"), allowing the user to add- ress acomment to a list of alternative
RACK30.ZIP 3,065 03-30-94 NOHack Version 1.00 of 8.11.93 NoHack is asmall PPE , which sends a message to an Userafter Excessive Password Failures , to keephim/her informed. -SLe * Small SourceIncluded *
RD-STATS.ZIP 6,389 02-23-94 K-RaD STaTS ViEWER v1.0 A New Lightbar .PPEThat Replaces The Basic "V" Command...
RDSWAL20.ZIP 51,483 02-02-95 RDSWall.PPE v2.0 This is a User 'WALL'Program * Color Configurable Graphics * FULLLANGUAGE AWARENESS * Definable Input Lengths* Optional Disclaimer Display * DisplayCentering * User help display Red DragonSoftware
READ1_0.ZIP 5,475 06-16-94 V1.0 PPE UltiWares(c)1994 Now An Easy To UseColor Configurable Lightbar Message ReadCommand Set.
READYDL!.ZIP 10,330 08-06-94 ReadyD/L v1.0 [ By: Vsonary ] PPE WithLightbars for downloading files after youhave flagged them! An original and greatlooking PPE which saves times and automaticinstallation! FREEWARE!
RECEIPT.ZIP 4,920 02-14-94 RECEIPT.PPE PCBoard 15.1 PPE that generates areceipt for your subscribers and allows themto download it.
RECOMPR1.ZIP 46,549 04-04-94 ==================== PEGASUS * RECOMPRESS *Version 1.1 ===========-=-=-=-====== SAVETHAT DISK SPACE!!! RECOMPRESS is a TinyLittle Utility That will recompress ZIP fileswith Maximum Compression... Saving BYTES Will
REDNECK2.ZIP 7,676 04-15-94 You Know Your A REDNECK If... Add this PPE toany Display file and get a smile out of yourusers. this version now supports RIP. Addthis one to your Scrip0 File Your callerswill call back with a smile on their face. :)
REFER12.ZIP 9,537 06-05-94 REFER v1.2: User Referral System PPEFREEWARE! A very configurable referral doorthat allows users to refer other users forsystem access, and the sysop to validate themeasily. This PPE runs in conjucntion with
REGCONF.ZIP 5,511 03-02-94 REGCONF.PPE This simple little utility willregister your users in a new privateconference based on their eligibility in acurrent private conference. PCBoard v15.1+required. FREEWARE (as a PPE should be).
REG_AT10.ZIP 23,690 12-10-94 Easy Auto Message v1.0 Easy auto messageeditor and displayer
REG_ER10.ZIP 35,733 12-10-94 Easy Run v1.0 *BETA* This is a PPE Witch willrun other .PPE's for you without installingthem in yer PCBTEXT and/or CMD.LST . This isnot like the other one by that PD guy this
REG_LECH.ZIP 3,821 12-31-94 Anti-Leech PPE Lockout users by time definedperiods
REMIND01.ZIP 11,943 01-24-95 Remind.PPE v1.0 Counts the number of daysremains till New Years and number of shoppingdays till Christmas. Display a message on aholiday or special events day. Logon/offscript or menu command. FREEWARE Software
REMSYS51.ZIP 40,293 03-25-94 REMSYS51.ZIP - v5.1 Updated Remote Sysop utilfor PCBoard Sysops. Use from DOS or Remote.This util for PCBoard BBS Software handlesbasic DOS commands plus PCBSETUP,PCBSM,PCB-FILER, Your QWK Mail Config.EXE program and
REPORT18.ZIP 41,364 05-13-94 Sysop's USERS record Report Generator -Generates reports of user record informa-tion, showing users with matching passwordphone numbers, CallerID info, etc. Helpsidentify abusive users, multiple records,
REQ301.ZIP 23,276 10-13-94 For PCBoard 15.2 Conference Request.PPE v3.01- Major new enhancements to this FINE PPE.Added Fidonet support for automaticconference requests, you can now have up to15 Networks, added capability to use your own
RESET120.ZIP 8,283 07-03-94 Reset.PPE version 1.20 Reset subscribers thathave expired Reset security level, expiredsecurity level, expiration date. Also allowsresetting the users download bytes anddownload files. All done automatically.
RFG!LOGF.ZIP 3,128 01-25-95 auTo LoGoFF v1.0 - FuLLY CoNFiGuRaBLe
RGD-BFDL.ZIP 1,793 01-07-95 Stats before D/L v1.0
RGD-PAGE.ZIP 3,359 12-10-94 Page PPE. Quick, Simple, and Source Included
RGD-ST2.ZIP 2,387 01-07-95 User Stats v2.0
RGD-ULOG.ZIP 4,533 01-07-95 Login PPE (Newuser, handle, pass, etc.)
RGD-US.ZIP 4,057 01-07-95 User List v1.0
RH_ANSI1.ZIP 3,358 06-05-94 ANSI Login v1.0 [PPE] "Do you want ANSI?"replacement for PCB 15.1. Fully sysopconfigurable!
RH_CONF1.ZIP 13,632 06-18-94 The Protected Conference v1.0 [PPE]
RH_DOSS1.ZIP 5,140 06-05-94 Protected DOS Functions v1.0 [PPE]
RH_ENTR1.ZIP 7,912 06-05-94 Enter Prompt Replacement v1.0 [PPE]
RH_LOGN1.ZIP 8,114 06-18-94 Full Screen Login Replacement v1.0 [PPE]
RH_TOPS1.ZIP 47,205 12-31-94 = ToTaL ToP CReaToR v1.0 = TotallyConfigurable All Tops Have A Differnt PPE ForBuilding Into Bulletins Creating Tops Online
RH_WHO1.ZIP 7,145 07-21-94 The WhooZ Online Replacement v1.0 [PPE]
RIPE-G.ZIP 4,482 02-23-94 RiPE-G.PPE for PCB 15.1 Replaces the (G)Command in PCB. Enhances it for style andlook!
RIPIT11.ZIP 3,639 05-07-94 RIPiT version 1.1 RIPiT [PPE] allows yourusers to easily receive a copy of RIPTERMfrom your BBS! Configurable and 100%*FREEWARE*!! By Andrew Davis (Used PPLCv.2.00)
RIPKT111.ZIP 180,382 11-07-94 RIPKit v1.11 A RIPScrip starter kit forexperienced PCBoard SysOps who want tomaintain a RIPScrip front-end for theircallers.* Requires v15.2+*
RLOGOFF.ZIP 36,117 12-26-94 Random logoff ansi displayer with full source
RP-OL10B.ZIP 3,973 03-22-94 oNeLiNeRZ v1.o BeTa - By: WT [RiPE] -> Up to50 max onelinerz -> Full Yes/No Light BarSupport
RPCDEMO3.ZIP 819,152 02-23-94 * Third Release* RipPCB Demo allows you tosee many of the features of RipPCB version1.2 For a further test drive call the supportBBS at (513) 398-8218 or (513) 398-8219 andlogon under the demo account RIP GRAPHICS.
RTWHO11.ZIP 5,129 06-18-94 Real Time WHO version 1.1 coded byGandalf/Infiny The ultimate WHO remplacementUse your own header fully configurable clockdisplay timeslice selectable Coming soonversion 2.0 with more!
RU100.ZIP 4,504 06-23-94 REGUSER.PPE - v1.00 - Keeps unregisteredusers or keep a period open for a specificuser. Great for single line BBS's and largemail hubs! SHAREWARE by Rob Borek.
R_PROMPT.ZIP 5,183 01-09-94 A Simple little Help Screen Using PPL. Whatis R_PROMPT.PPE for PCBoard 15.0? R_PROMPT isa novice quick help screen for ho messageswithout having to go through that wh online